Friday, April 15, 2011

Have A Break, Have A KitKat

Originally posted in my Tumblr account on April 4, 2011.

In the land of great shopping and food right now (Can you guess where? haha) and the first amusing thing of the trip is the new munchies I discovered! It’s - wait for it - CHEESE FLAVORED KITKAT! Amazing, isn’t it? 

The flavor had a parmesan-slash-cheddar tinge to it. It was kind of okay at first but the mix of creaminess after awhile sort of makes the whole thing too much for you to have a second “break.” But I think it’s worth at least one try!

The box had a fancy lock design thing too! Didn’t know what it was for though…

Here are some other exotic KitKat flavors I had before (all from Japan) aside from the typical milk chocolate flavor.

Melon flavor

Green tea flavor - THIS IS SO YUMMY! It's my favorite!!!:)

Wasabi flavor

Soy Sauce flavor

Corn flavor
What flavors have you tried? :)

Photos courtesy of my cousin's camera and Google Images.


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