
Kat (kat), n.
A business student who breathes art, design and imagination while constantly looking forward to her next meal of the day.

The Student
Caught in the world of "practical" student-hood, I'm one of the many who has chosen the field of business as their academic course because of family - for lack of a less cliche word - tradition. But that is not to say that it was forced upon me! As nerdy as I really am, I have grown to embrace its logical and technical side, and actually found some love in its not-so-obvious creativity. The unconstrained, multi-track approach of business keeps my mind moving and - surprisingly - creative juices flowing! And, can I just say, I have an unrequited love for Marketing. 

The T.H.-D.H. Designer
T.H.-D.H.: Try-Hard-Die-Hard. That's the kind of artist that I believe I am. No matter how immersed and suicidally busy I am as a business student right now, I can never suppress my sporadic urges to just do something creative once in awhile. I know I'm not the best out there, but I really like pushing myself to make artworks and designs to - as I'd like to believe - grow artistically as a person. Yes, I'm that kind of idealist. 

So, I doodle for fun, draw from inspiration and design for work. If it interests you, I do a few freelance designing (CONTACT ME!) here and there, from business materials (e.g. brochures, posters, catalogues) to shirt designs and other various artistic pursuits you can think of under the sun! 

Under, over, left, right. It sometimes baffles me how I have no one focus in the arts. It may be something to my disadvantage, being one that gets bored easily when doing only a single thing.
It's no surprise, really. Ever since I was quite the little tot, I have been drawing and painting to my heart's desire, but because age constrains us more than we'd like to, I have found myself dry of what I really love. This is where my blog comes in.

The Katalogue
What's a kataloguie? Simply, it's Kat + catalogue.

As I have worked on many designs for companies, I've gotten used to looking at product catalogues to create and design materials for them. But as I go through each day studying and working my ass off, I've come to realize I've forgotten about Kat's own product - my life. The life that I want to pursue - with creativity, excitement and ultimately, spontaneous happiness. This is not a cry to overthrow capitalism or some Marxist propaganda. This is just, well, a little step to finding that idealist little girl back in me.

So here's a catalogue for me to create and design. A catalogue that will hopefully push me to find new things and rekindle my old flame with the arts, with design, with food, with inspiration, with adventure... Here's to a second attempt to maintain a blog! :)