Friday, April 15, 2011

Supergirl Wannabe

Originally posted in my Tumblr account on April 13, 2011.

It’s my 3rd day back from vacation and I still have this freakin’ cold from all the change of weather. My immune system sure lacks a lot of those what you call Vitamin C for a few degrees to hit me like this. I can’t even do my work properly with all the sniffling and nose blowing on endless amounts of tissue! Ugh. Someone save me…

But since nothing can be done any time soon, I’m taking a few minutes from thinking up of good mandatory designs (meaning, designs with a deadline and consequences if not done) and posting up a sudden thought about… well, colds.

Yes, you read right - COLDS.

When I was a little kid, I never had the tradition of drinking up chicken soup whenever I was sick. Never did my mom cook up something exceptionally special just for colds or cough or even the flu. All that my siblings and I were taught was just to drink a lot of fluids, take our medicine 3 times a day and continue working or doing whatever we had to do. Sickness wasn’t an acceptable excuse for our family to stop and take a break from our responsibilities, nor was it a reason for mediocre work.

At that time, I resented not having a good opportunity to skip school and snuggl
e up longer in bed. But in hindsight, I think my parents just really sent the message of being strong. It’s like, “Take good care of yourself while you do your thing” rather than “Oh, let it pass and continue doing it next time” ‘cause next time may be too late. (Of course, if it were a fatal condition we wouldn’t force it now, would we? Haha!) And I’m grateful how this was not only in terms of getting sick but in everything else we do. They never raised us kids to be weaklings, that’s for sure!

So, in lieu of the moment, here is a work that I really love by Joshua Middleton. Stumbled on it in his site ( a few months back - with influence from my good friendl - and I fell in love with all his other works ever since! 

Presenting the kind of girl I want to be: invincible yet somewhat human through and through - Supergirl. :)

Thanks Mom and Dad! :)


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