Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Croissants, Cheese and Wine

The sun's flaring up the place here and it's no doubt summer has already arrived. And since it's also less than a day away from Holy Week, everyone's packing up their bags and heading out of town for a nice long vacation. Ironically though, the beach isn't the most sought-after destination this year. It seems that almost every one of my friends right now are visiting colder places to pass on the sweat. I've been hearing about Russia, Norway, upper China like Harbin, Canada and many other snow-bound places, and while I'm usually excited for my friends, it gives a little damp of envy in my heart to have never reached one of my top dream destinations - France... Cue long heavy sigh.

I can't wait for me to visit the country. Its food, fashion and people (although they are infamous for notorious manners) are just some of the things I'd love to experience. Not to forget the art museums! Oh, the Louvre, please wait for me!

For now, I have just to continue to dream to see France and its culture. I'm sure one day I'll get there. Like I always say to myself, there's no dream worth dreaming for if it's not big enough to be worked for. (Now, there are a lot of 'for's' in that sentence haha!) Here's to authentic croissant, cheese and fine wine! :)

A pseudo-poster on a talk about France I did for a class a few months ago
(Reeves watercolor and Unipin fine line water and fade proof pigment ink on Arches watercolor paper + Photoshop Elements editing)


  1. IT'S THE POSTER! Your watercoloring is so pretty <3

    And and and I'm sure you'll end up in France one day (preferably soon!) :)

  2. @sam
    Yes, sam! It's the poster which you helped me with!! :) :) Feeling nostalgic! haha
